
I'm Honey Doe

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Make an Organic Coffee Retro Logo

For presentational purposes, the first thing we want to do is make a background that looks old and authentic. To do that, we used a coffee bag texture. You can grab it here for free.
Create a new document, 520x210 pixels. Copy the texture and paste it in your new document. Resize it to roughly 25% of the original size. Now, set the opacity to 30% and go to layer blending options > color. Choose a yellowish color and set the blending mode of the color to Hue. This is what we get:

Before we add the basic logo shape, grab our Photoshop Pattern Essentials pack, we'll be using it. Now, select the rounded rectangle tool and set 20px for the border radius. Create a rectangular shape in the middle of the document, roughly 40px away from all the edges of the document. See here for an example:

The base color for this shape is #bebebe. Let's edit the blending options. After you've loaded our patterns in Photoshop, go to the Pattern Overlay in the layer blending options, choose the pattern shown in the screenshot below.

After that, choose Color Overlay, set the color to #311a10 and opacity to 87%.

Copy the coffee bag texture again, and paste it on top of the shape. Resize to around 20% of the original size. Now, grab the rectangular marquee tool, and select from end to end horizontally, 70px tall. This should be your selection:

Now, copy and paste your selection. Remove the old layer below. This will leave you with a clean rectangular texture. Hit Ctrl + T (or Cmd + T). Right-click and select Skew from the options. Drag the middle blocks on the left and right to align the block as shown below:

Hit Enter to apply. Ctrl (Cmd) + Click on the brown layer below (the basic shape). This will give you a selection of that layer (make sure you are still working on the new skewed rectangle layer), now go to Selection > Inverse Selection from the menu, and hit delete on your keyboard. This will give you the following result:

Now, duplicate this layer, and set the blending mode to Multiply on the one above. Duplicate the layer again, set the Fill Opacity to 0%, and go to stroke. Set the position to Inside, size to 2px and color to #905f00.
Time to add some text. For our purposes, we grabbed the great Jungle Fever font. You can grab it from that link, it's free. Type "Organic Coffee", and select "JungleFever" as your font. Now, hit Ctrl + T (Cmd + T) again, right click and select Skew. Drag the middle squares as before, until you align the text to the inclination of the middle banner below. This is what we're aiming for:

To give it a more authentic look, we're going to play around with the blending options a bit. Set the fill opacity to 0%, and choose Pattern Overlay. We're going to be using one of our Pattern Essentials again. Choose the pattern shown below:

All we need now is to set the Color Overlay, choose black and set to 30%.

Almost done, just a couple of finishing touches left.
Duplicate the original basic shape (the brown below all of them), and move the new layer to the top of all layers. In the layer Blending Options, set the Fill Opacity to 0%, and choose Stroke. Set it to 4px, Inside and #34220a color.

Sharp Fold Text Effect

The Final Result:
* the software used in this tutorial is Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended
* the size of the final result image is 1024 * 768
* you might want to check the Basix Page to see some useful topics on dealing with Photoshop basics, such as loading palettes and some shortcuts.
* Grungy seamless tiling cement by ~LANBO.
Step 1:
- Set the Foreground color to #dbdbdb, and the Background color to #bcbcbc, then, create a Radial Gradient from the center of the document to one of the corners.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 1
- Create the text using the color #7b7b7b. The font used is Magnum and the Size is 250 pt.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 1
- Duplicate the text layer, and change the copy’s font color to #c91544. Make the original text layer invisible (click the eye icon next to it).
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 1
- Right click the copy text layer and choose Convert to Shape.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 1
- This will convert the Text layer to a Shape layer. The thumbnail to the left is the Fill color, and you can double click it to change the color anytime you want to. The thumbnail to the right is the Layer Mask, and it shows the shape of the path that defines what’s visible on the layer.
* Make sure to click the Layer Mask before modifying the path.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 1
Step 2:
- Pick the Direct Selection Tool. This is the tool we will be using to move any points on the path.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 2
- Click and drag to select the anchor points of the first letter.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 2
- The anchor points are the points that control the path. Adding, deleting, or moving any of them will change the shape of the path. Try to add the folds where there aren’t many really close anchor points.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 2
- Pick the Add Anchor Point Tool to start adding the fold’s anchor points. Each fold will need 3 anchor points on each side. The ones to the right and left are where the fold begins and ends (yellow highlight), and the ones in the middle control the actual fold (blue highlight).
Click to add the 6 anchor points on each side. Don’t worry about aligning the points perfectly, you can even leave different spaces between the anchor points to create a more “tilted” fold.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 2
- Pick the Direct Selection Tool once again, click and drag to select the anchor points in the middle (or Shift + Click them).
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 2
- Use the Up arrow key (the Move Tool (V) should be the active tool) to move the selected anchor points slightly upwards.
When creating the Horizontal folds, you should move the fold to the Right instead.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 2
- Repeat the same steps to create more folds wherever you want.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 2
Step 3:
- Create two new layers on top of all layers, and call them “Light” and “Dark”. We will be using them to add the gradients to the sides of the fold.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 3
- Set the “Light” layer’s Blend Mode to Soft Light and its Opacity to 30%.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 3
- Set the “Dark” layer’s Blend Mode to Multiply.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 3
Step 4:
- Press Ctrl and click the Shape Layer’s Mask thumbnail to create a selection.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
- Pick the Polygonal Lasso Tool and click the Intersect with Selection icon in the Options bar.
Next, create a selection that intersects with the right half (side) of the fold.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
- Make sure that the “Dark” layer is selected (active).
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
- Pick the Gradient Tool, and click the Linear Gradient icon in the Options bar. With the Foreground color set to #dbdbdb, choose the Foreground to Transparent gradient, and fill the selection starting from the middle of the fold.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
- The Multiply Blend Mode set previously will make the gradient look like a shadow covering the selected area.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
- Select the shape once again (Ctrl + Click the thumbnail), and use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to create a selection that intersects with the left half of the fold.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
- Select the “Light” layer this time, then fill the selection with the gradient.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
- This will brighten the left side of the fold a little bit.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
Note: Try not to include the areas separated by corners in the selection, and avoid dragging the Gradient outside the selection as well.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
- Doing so will result in hard disconnected gradient fills.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
- Just make sure that the selected areas are contiguous, and that the gradients end near the edge of the selection.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
- This will make the gradient fills look more smooth and realistic.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
- Do the same for all the remaining folds. Remember, the parts bending up should be lighter, and the ones going down should be darker. Simply, apply the Gradient fills clockwise to all the folds.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 4
Step 5:
- Make the original text layer visible.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 5
- Right click the original text layer and choose Rasterize Type.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 5
- This will reasterize the text layer, which means you will not be able to modify the text anymore. You can use Smart Objects instead if you like.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 5
- Go to Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur, and set the Radius to 2.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 5
- Set the rasterized text layer’s Blend Mode to Multiply. Pick the Move Tool, and use the Arrow Keys to move the text a little bit downwards and to the right, in order to create a simple shadow.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 5
Step 6:
- Double click the Shape layer to add a simple Gradient Overlay. Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light, the Opacity to 60%, and the Style to Reflected. then click the Gradient Box to create the Gradient.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 6
- The Gradient used is a very simple one. Click each one of the Color Stops (at the bottom of the Gradient bar), then click the Color box below, and set the colors to #ffffff and #000000.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 6
- Now, click each one of the Opacity Stops (at the top of the Gradient bar) to set the Opacity values to 0% and 100%.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 6
- This will add a nice gradient to the text.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 6
- Finally, place the Grungy seamless tiling cement texture on top of all layers, and change its layer’s Blend Mode to Soft Light.
Sharp Fold Text Effect step 6
That’s it!

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